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Jiangyin injection pressure flat vulcanizer maintenance and precautions factory
发布者:中凯橡塑  点击:1536
As a conveyor belt joint tool, the injection press plate vulcanizer should be protected and maintained like other tools during and after use to extend its service life.
Injection press vulcanizerThe following issues should be paid attention to when maintaining: 1. The storage environment of the injection press vulcanizer should be dry and well ventilated to prevent electrical circuits from being caused by humidity. moist; 2. Do not use the injection-pressing flat vulcanizer outdoors in rainy days to prevent water from entering the electric control box and heating plate; 3. If the working environment is humid and watery, when dismantling the transfer injection molding machine, it should be raised with items on the ground, and do not let the injection molding machine directly touch the water; 4. If the heating plate enters the water due to improper operation during the operation, you should first contact the manufacturer for repair. If emergency repair is required, open the cover on the heating plate, pour out the water first, then set the electric control box to manual operation, heat it to 100°C, keep the temperature constant for half an hour, dry the circuit, Belt gluing is performed manually. At the same time, the manufacturer should be contacted in time to replace the entire line. 5. When the injection press flat vulcanizing machine does not need to be used for a long time, the heating plate should be heated every two weeks, and the temperature should be maintained for about half an hour. 6. After each use, the water in the hydraulic plate should be cleaned, especially in winter, if the water cannot be cleaned, it will often lead to premature aging of the rubber of the hydraulic plate, and the service life of the hydraulic plate will decrease; The correct way to discharge water is to carry out the injection pressure flat vulcanizer before disassembling it after the vulcanization and heat preservation are completed. If the water is released after the machine is disassembled, the water in the water pressure plate may not be completely discharged.
Notes on the use of the injection-pressing flat vulcanizing machine: 1. For the machine operated by the solenoid valve, the operator must not tamper with the solenoid valve. Before maintenance, it is necessary to cut off the power supply. 2. When starting the pull-out machine and the splint, ring the bell and call the number first, and do not start the machine without getting a reply. During operation, do not put your hands into the splint. Non-local personnel are not allowed to arbitrarily put on the splint or press the button. When the front and rear pullers are started, the operator is 0.5 meters away from the roller. 3. When changing the horn, it must be stable and accurate, and do not use too much force. Before changing the horn, it is necessary to tell the people around the pot to get out of the way to prevent injury. 4. When picking up the top iron, it is necessary to wait until the middle hot plate and the upper hot plate are completely separated. After the top iron has been picked up, the iron plate can be put down. 5. When putting the pot over the iron plate, it is forbidden to put your hand into the pot. When adding the pot, the interval between the upper and lower hot plates is within 10 cm, and it is forbidden to put your hand between the hot plates. If any problem is found, it should be stopped. 6. When holding the iron rod used for product coiling, hold it firmly and firmly. When walking, pay attention to the underground obstacles, and pay attention to handling, to prevent injury to the limbs. 7. When starting the packaging machine, check the front and back to prevent hurting people. When leading the leader, the two must be 0.5 meters away from the roller. Cooperate well with each other, and then drive after you point the car to lead. 8. When lifting products, first check whether the wire rope is damaged. When lifting, it is necessary to announce the signal first, and it is forbidden to stand under the transported objects. When lifting semi-finished products, the wire rope must be hung in the groove of the take-up roller. 9. When hoisting the semi-finished product on the guide frame, it is necessary for two people to operate in the same direction of the gap on both sides of the guide frame. After placing it, block the card sleeve. 10. When using an electric drill or pot cleaner, it is necessary to check whether it is safe and reliable, and whether the electrical circuit is damaged. If problems are found, it is necessary to repair them before use. 11. When transferring the pan cleaning machine, several people should cooperate with each other and hold it firmly. When changing the sandpaper, it is necessary to tighten the screws, and the electrical switch should be handled by a special person to avoid accidents. 12. The vulcanized nylon conveyor belt is forbidden to reciprocate under the cold and punctual long belt.
< Key words: injection press flat vulcanizer
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